What we do

Moveo Nordic™ is a frontrunner in the field of talent development, career clarification and strategic career development for postdocs, assistant professors, associate professors, professors and research leaders, as well as other experts and managers and leaders. We help you find direction in your work life and reflect on what motivates you, and we help you figure out how to develop your talent so you can take your career in the direction that is right for you.
Vi hjælper dig til at finde retning i dit arbejdsliv, at reflektere over hvad der motiverer dig, og hvordan du udvikler dit talent, så du kan lede din karriere i den retning, der er rigtig for dig.

What we do

Moveo Nordic™ is a frontrunner in the field of talent development, career clarification and strategic career development for researchers, experts and managers and leaders. We help you find direction in your work life and reflect on what motivates you, and we help you figure out how to develop your talent so you can take your career in the direction that is right for you.
Vi hjælper dig til at finde retning i dit arbejdsliv, at reflektere over hvad der motiverer dig, og hvordan du udvikler dit talent, så du kan lede din karriere i den retning, der er rigtig for dig.
Career clarification
Talent development
Courses, workshops and longer training programmes
Consultations, career coaching and strategic advisory sessions
Experience & quality
Inspiration & results
Solid knowledge & thoroughly considered concepts
Professionalism & confidentiality
Research career
A strategical view & holistic understanding
Collaboration & and client-tailored courses
Postdocs and Research Leaders
Career clarification
Talent development
Courses, workshops and longer training programmes
Consultations, career coaching and strategic advisory sessions
Experience & quality
Inspiration & results
Solid knowledge & thoroughly considered concepts
Collaboration & and client-tailored courses
A strategical view & holistic understanding
Professionalism & confidentiality

I participated in the career development course and afterwards in a career strategy seminar. It changed the trajectory of my career from the laid-back approach of going with the flow to being dedicated to the ambition of making my own path.

EMMA HAMMERLUND, scientist, Lund University


I followed your career development programme for young researchers at SDU. I’m so glad I did. Many of the tools you taught me have been useful, especially when it comes to prioritising between the many exciting projects that are constantly coming in. I’ve just been promoted to professor and submitted my doctoral thesis. Of course, it’s not the plan itself that did it, but I think setting greater goals for the future is a really good tool.

LAU CASPAR THYGESEN, professor, University of Southern Denmark


Tak for hjælpen med at tage springet fra Universitet til The Real World. Du gav et super godt kursus, som gav perspektiv. Jeg arbejder nu med User Experience Design til høreapparater … indtil videre glæder jeg mig til at komme på arbejde hver dag. Jeg var nervøs for reaktionen fra mine uni-kollegaer, men flere sagde, at de et eller andet sted var lidt misundelige og at de ville ønske at de havde modet/overskuddet til også at søge andre veje. Jeg har været meget glad for uni-verdenen, men dit kursus åbnede mine øjne for flere muligheder, som jeg jo godt kendte til før, men som pludselig blev realistiske. Endnu engang tak for skubbet!

STEVEN GELINECK, postdoc, Ålborg Universitet


I remember the feeling I had when we finished our extremely encouraging and productive one-day session. I feel very grateful, because I can see that the quality and quantity of my work has benefitted substantially from Monika’s guidance.

LOURDES CANTARERO, postdoc, University of Copenhagen


A wise man once said “Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” Taking a career strategy course has been one of the wisest steps I’ve taken during my career. Through the course, I not only identified and formulated a clear vision for my career and life in general, I also learned how to take action in a structured and organised way, so as to reach my goals. I can strongly recommend taking a career strategy course with Monika Janfelt. You won’t regret it!

VIBEKE KOUSHEDE, professor mso, University of Southern Denmark


Most importantly, I’ve gained the insight to see that there is “more to the world than meets the eye of an engineer”. Monika’s pedagogical approach meant the career programme was executed with inspirational perfection. Based on great amounts of individual reflection and group discussions, I’ve come to know my situation and myself better than before.

JENS JOHANSEN, adjunkt, Syddansk Universitet


Jeg bruger de specifikke ting du lærte os på kurset … Det er meget værdifuldt for mig. Så jeg håber at andre kan deltage på kurset og få lignende oplevelser.

AMELIA-ELENA ROTARU, assistant professor, University of Southern Denmark


From as early as our initial meeting, you gave me clear and concrete tools for dealing with the challenges of making work a free space. The incredible thing is that that meant the crisis period actually became the most productive year of my entire associate professor career.

EMILY HARTZ, adjunkt, Syddansk Universitet


Jeg var kørt fast i rutiner og havde mistet arbejdsglæden…. Karrierecoachingforløbet ved Monika Janfelt, som bl.a. inkluderede en karrieretest, bragte mig på sporet af, hvorhen jeg ville…. Endelig turde jeg tage skridtet og påbegyndte en rejse ud i det spændende ukendte. Mit ønske om videreudvikling har mødt opbakning fra ledelsen, og jeg er tiltrådt en ny stilling, hvor jeg er sikker på, at mine kompetencer og interesser udnyttes langt bedre, og hvor jeg føler mig udfordret og ”på rette hylde”. Jeg har genfundet arbejdsglæden og fået overskuddet og lysten til at gøre en forskel – og med den bonus, at min familie og jeg selv oplever mig som et gladere menneske. Tak for skubbet, Monika!

ANONYMOUS, teamleader


I participated in the career development course and afterwards in a career strategy seminar. It changed the trajectory of my career from the laid-back approach of going with the flow to being dedicated to the ambition of making my own path.

EMMA HAMMERLUND, scientist, Lund University


I followed your career development programme for young researchers at SDU. I’m so glad I did. Many of the tools you taught me have been useful, especially when it comes to prioritising between the many exciting projects that are constantly coming in. I’ve just been promoted to professor and submitted my doctoral thesis. Of course, it’s not the plan itself that did it, but I think setting greater goals for the future is a really good tool.

LAU CASPAR THYGESEN, professor, University of Southern Denmark


Tak for hjælpen med at tage springet fra Universitet til The Real World. Du gav et super godt kursus, som gav perspektiv. Jeg arbejder nu med User Experience Design til høreapparater … indtil videre glæder jeg mig til at komme på arbejde hver dag. Jeg var nervøs for reaktionen fra mine uni-kollegaer, men flere sagde, at de et eller andet sted var lidt misundelige og at de ville ønske at de havde modet/overskuddet til også at søge andre veje. Jeg har været meget glad for uni-verdenen, men dit kursus åbnede mine øjne for flere muligheder, som jeg jo godt kendte til før, men som pludselig blev realistiske. Endnu engang tak for skubbet!

STEVEN GELINECK, postdoc, Ålborg Universitet


I remember the feeling I had when we finished our extremely encouraging and productive one-day session. I feel very grateful, because I can see that the quality and quantity of my work has benefitted substantially from Monika’s guidance.

LOURDES CANTARERO, postdoc, University of Copenhagen


A wise man once said “Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” Taking a career strategy course has been one of the wisest steps I’ve taken during my career. Through the course, I not only identified and formulated a clear vision for my career and life in general, I also learned how to take action in a structured and organised way, so as to reach my goals. I can strongly recommend taking a career strategy course with Monika Janfelt. You won’t regret it!

VIBEKE KOUSHEDE, professor mso, University of Southern Denmark


Gennem programmet fik jeg indsigt og værktøjer, som jeg har anvendt, og vil fortsætte at bruge i min karriere. Det vigtigste var at jeg nu kan se at der er ”mere i verden end hvad en ingeniør kan se”. Monikas pædagogiske tilgang gennemførtes med inspiration og perfektion. Den omfattende individuelle refleksion og de mange gruppediskussioner gjorde at jeg har lært min situation og mig selv bedre at kende end tidligere. Jeg betragter min deltagelse i programmet som en af de mest betydningsfulde trin på min vej.

JENS JOHANSEN, adjunkt, Syddansk Universitet


I really do use some of the things you taught us during the course, like, for example, making a 5-year plan and going back to the next six months to create a meaningful short-term plan. I find such things invaluable. So I hope others will take the course and have a similar experience.

AMELIA-ELENA ROTARU, assistant professor, University of Southern Denmark


From as early as our initial meeting, you gave me clear and concrete tools for dealing with the challenges of making work a free space. The incredible thing is that that meant the crisis period actually became the most productive year of my entire associate professor career.

EMILY HARTZ, adjunkt, Syddansk Universitet


Jeg var kørt fast i rutiner og havde mistet arbejdsglæden…. Karrierecoachingforløbet ved Monika Janfelt, som bl.a. inkluderede en karrieretest, bragte mig på sporet af, hvorhen jeg ville…. Endelig turde jeg tage skridtet og påbegyndte en rejse ud i det spændende ukendte. Mit ønske om videreudvikling har mødt opbakning fra ledelsen, og jeg er tiltrådt en ny stilling, hvor jeg er sikker på, at mine kompetencer og interesser udnyttes langt bedre, og hvor jeg føler mig udfordret og ”på rette hylde”. Jeg har genfundet arbejdsglæden og fået overskuddet og lysten til at gøre en forskel – og med den bonus, at min familie og jeg selv oplever mig som et gladere menneske. Tak for skubbet, Monika!

ANONYMOUS, teamleader



You and Your PhD

Essential Career advice for doctoral students
What do I want to do with my PhD? That’s actually the question you should ask yourself on day one of your PhD journey. And you should spend your entire PhD period – until you graduate onto academia or a job in the “real” world – working on the answer (as well as writing your thesis, of course!).


Me and My PhD

A companion journal for your PhD journey. Fill the blank pages with your career reflections, plans and notes. Put what you’ve learned in You and Your PhD. Essential career advice for doctoral students into practice!
Lad You and Your PhD og Me and My PhD will guide you through the different phases of being a PhD student and show you how to turn your PhD into your career dreams. It teaches you how to tend to your future career while doing your PhD and how to use your PhD period in the best possible way – careerwise. Be inspired, learn from examples and get hands-on advice for plotting your own course. You and Your PhD – Essential career advice for doctoral students is a must-read for PhD students.

Jeg synes den har meget at byde på og vil være relevant for alle ph.d.-studerende. Jeg vil med glæde anbefale den til både nye og gamle ph.d.-studerende. Den vil på en god måde understøtte den snak jeg har med ph.d.-studerende om karriere ifm. samtlige evalueringssamtaler.
Professor, ph.d.-skoleleder for HUM, SDU, Carl Bache


Karriere - Kunsten at flytte sig

A book with solid information for professionals that helps you in your career and inspires you in how you can work on career development in your workplace. The book has been well received by readers and reviewers and is rich in cases, practical advice and experience.

Career – The Art of Moving On

Translated from the original danish Karriere – kunsten at flytte sig.


Karriere - Kunsten at flytte sig

is a book with solid information for professionals that helps you in your career and inspires you in how you can work on career development in your workplace. The book has been well received by readers and reviewers and is rich in cases, practical advice and experience. Karriere - kunsten at flytte sig er en solid fagbog der er blevet godt modtaget af læsere og anmeldere og indeholder mange cases, praktiske råd og erfaringer.

Career – The Art of Moving On

English translation of "Karriere – kunsten at flytte sig".

Who we are

The name Moveo Nordic was chosen because the Nordic countries are “our world” in so many ways. Moveo means to set in motion, to move or to relocate. This is what Moveo Nordic is all about: helping professionals create direction in their work lives and move on in their careers.




Me and my PhD – career journal
Me and my PhD – career journal
Keeping a career journal throughout the course of your PhD is a great processing user-friendly exercise. It can help you stick to the habit of thinking ahead and reflecting on various career issues that arise along the way. Here you can gather important knowledge about what to do and how to do it when it […]
You and your PhD – Essential career advice for doctoral students
You and your PhD – Essential career advice for doctoral students
Be inspired, learn from examples and get hands-on-advice.
Den perfekte notesbog når man er ph.d.-studerende
Me and My PhD - A companion journal for your PhD journey.
Notesbogen Me and My PhD  kan bruges som karrieredagbog eller til at fastholde idéer og planer. Hæftet kan med fordel bruges sammen med You and Your PhD – Essential career advice for doctoral students.